Digital Marketing

Infinite & Continues Scroll Shut Down By Google Update July 2024

Introduction to Google’s Infinite Scroll Update

Infinite & Continues Scroll Shut Down By Google Update July 2024. On 25th June, Google announced a significant change that will impact many websites. This update concerns the shutdown of continuous and infinite scroll, a feature prevalent in mobile and desktop search results. In this blog, we will delve into the details of this update, its implications, and how website owners can adapt to these changes.

Understanding Continuous and Infinite Scroll

Continuous and infinite scrolling are functionalities that allow users to view more content without having to click through to the next page. Instead, new content loads automatically as they scroll down the page. This feature has been popularized by social media platforms like Instagram, where users can endlessly scroll through their feeds.

Google implemented Infinite Scroll on mobile devices back in October 2022. This meant that mobile users no longer needed to click on the second or third page of search results. Instead, more results would load automatically as they scrolled. This feature aimed to enhance user experience by providing a seamless way to browse search results.

Impact of Infinite Scroll on Search Results

While infinite scroll improved user experience, it significantly impacted websites ranking on the second page or beyond. Websites that previously ranked in the eleventh, twelfth, or even the twenty-fifth position could now receive traffic without users having to click to the next page. This change altered the dynamics of search impressions and clicks.

With infinite scroll, impressions increased for lower-ranking websites because their results were now loaded automatically. However, this did not necessarily translate to more clicks, as users often remain less motivated to scroll down to lower-ranked results. Consequently, while impressions might have increased, clicks remained minimal for these lower-ranking websites.

The June 2024 Announcement

On 25th June 2024, Google announced the shutdown of continuous scrolling on desktop devices. This update will take effect immediately. Websites ranking anywhere from the eleventh to the fortieth position will now see a significant drop in impressions and clicks. This is because users will once again need to click through to the second or third page to view these results.

This change is expected to have a dramatic impact on website traffic, with some sites potentially experiencing an 80-90% drop in traffic. For mobile devices, where infinite scroll will still be in effect, a 10% drop in traffic is anticipated.

Implications for Website Traffic and Rankings

For websites that previously benefited from infinite scroll, this update will be a significant setback. A sudden drop in impressions and clicks can decrease overall traffic and potentially affect rankings. Website owners will need to adapt quickly to these changes to maintain their visibility in search results.

While impressions might drop sharply, the click-through rate (CTR) could improve for websites that manage to rank on the first page. This is because users who do click through to the second page are likely more motivated and engaged, leading to higher-quality traffic.

Adapting to the New Search Environment

To navigate these changes, website owners and SEO professionals need to focus on several strategies. First, optimizing for higher rankings on the first page becomes even more critical. This involves enhancing content quality, improving on-page SEO, and building high-quality backlinks.

  • Optimize for first-page rankings
  • Enhance content quality
  • Improve on-page SEO
  • Build high-quality backlinks

Additionally, monitoring search performance through tools like Google Search Console (GSC) and analytics reports will be essential. These tools provide insights into impressions, clicks, and CTR, helping website owners understand the impact of the update and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Leveraging AI and SEO Campaigns

As AI continues to play a significant role in search algorithms, it is crucial to adapt SEO campaigns to leverage AI’s capabilities. AI can help differentiate keyword-specific search results and provide more personalized search experiences. Website owners should consider incorporating AI-driven tools and techniques into their SEO strategies to stay ahead of the curve.

Clients should be informed about these changes and their potential impact on search performance. Transparent communication and setting realistic expectations will help in maintaining client trust and satisfaction.


Google’s shutdown of continuous and infinite scroll marks a significant shift in the search landscape. While this update poses challenges, it also presents opportunities for websites to improve their search performance by focusing on higher rankings and leveraging AI.

By understanding the implications of this update and adapting SEO strategies accordingly, website owners can navigate these changes and continue to drive traffic and engagement. Stay informed, be proactive, and embrace the evolving world of search to stay competitive.

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